Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Mess Created By Trump Will Be with Us for Years By Valerie Höhne, Ralf Neukirch, René Pfister, Alexandra Rojkov und Alexander Sarovic


Trump has transformed the United States into a dangerous place. The president, whose job it is to unite the country, has incited Americans against each other. What makes his presidency so unique is that he lacks any understanding for the gravity of the job he holds. He doesn't understand something that all of his predecessors did: That the job itself is greater than the person who holds it. Almost worse than Trump's political aberrations - his contempt for America's European partners, his weakness for dictators, his denial of climate change – is the fact that he has desecrated the highest office in the country. The presidency was created to bring together a country whose only link is the belief in freedom and in personal responsibility.

Trump has introduced a degree of nepotism the country has never seen before, appointing his daughter and son-in-law as special advisers. He sent his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, around the world to ingratiate himself with foreign politicians and diplomats. He acted as though he was standing up to China, yet he secretly asked Chinese President Xi Jinping for campaign support. He has transformed the state into a wing of the Trump empire.


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