Thursday, February 27, 2014

Niall Ferguson: Why Paul Krugman should never be taken seriously again » Spectator Blogs

YOU MAY WONDER WHY I AM BOTHERING  to ask these questions? royal_regiment_of_scotland_magnetI have three motives. The first is to illuminate the way the world really works, as opposed to the way Krugman and his beloved New Keynesian macroeconomic models say it works. The second is to assert the importance of humility and civility in public as well as academic discourse. And the third, frankly, is to teach him the meaning of the old Scottish regimental motto: nemo me impune lacessit (“No one attacks me with impunity”).
I am not an economist. I am an economic historian. The economist seeks to simplify the world into mathematical models – in Krugman’s case models erected upon the intellectual foundations laid by John Maynard Keynes. But to the historian, who is trained to study the world “as it actually is”, the economist’s model, with its smooth curves on two axes, looks like an oversimplification. The historian’s world is a complex system, full of non-linear relationships, feedback loops and tipping points.
Niall Ferguson: Why Paul Krugman should never be taken seriously again » Spectator Blogs

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