Monday, October 26, 2009

Satyr tragopan (Tragopan satyra)

The male of this species has the darkest, deepest red underparts of all tragopans, with the brighter crimson-red colouration typical of these birds being restricted mainly to the neck and upper breast (2). Elsewhere the plumage is primarily dark reddish-brown to black, spotted with small, black-edged white dots, except for a crimson streak on each side of the crest and red under tail coverts (4) (5). Like other tragopans, males are strikingly adorned with vibrant blue skin on their face, throat and bib-like lappet, which is decorated with a series of triangular scarlet patches down each side. Two fleshy blue horns also project above the eye during male displays. In contrast to their colourful male counterparts, females are a drab rufous to dull-brown, vermiculated and blotched with black and buff markings (4).

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